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FAQ: Is there any role of Stress in Hair Greying ? The belief that stress causes hair to grey pre-maturely is a common myth, but it is not entirely accurate. While stress can have various negative effects on your health, including affecting the appearance of your hair, the idea that it directly causes your hair to turn grey is not supported by scientific evidence. Greying of hair is primarily attributed to the natural aging process, where the production of melanin pigment responsible for hair color gradually decreases. Melanin is produced by specialized cells called melanocytes, which inject pigment into the hair shaft as it grows. While stress may not directly cause hair to turn grey, it is believed to potentially accelerate the greying process in individuals who are already predisposed to premature greying due to their genetic makeup. Stress can affect the body in various ways, including impacting the immune system and increasing oxidative stress. Some researchers speculate that these factors may influence the depletion of melanocytes or disrupt the production of melanin, leading to premature greying of the hair. It is important to note that studies investigating the link between stress and hair greying have mostly been conducted on animals or small human samples, and the results are not always consistent. Further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between stress and greying hair in humans. Overall, while stress may play a role in the greying process, it is not the sole factor responsible for the phenomenon. Aging and genetic predisposition are major contributors, and stress likely interacts with these factors to influence the rate at which hair greys. #rightknowledge #professionals #FAQ #personalizedcare #hairinspo #haireducation #greyhair #haireducator

  • Posted on: 2023-07-09T14:07:02

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